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Videogame Mecca

Press Review- They talk about us...


October 10th, 2012 -Il Giornale, italian newspaper, dedicates an article to Mecca extraordinary opening set for October 14th, 2012
Click the pic to open the complete article (pdf)


October 10th, 2012 - Secolo XIX, first newspaper in Liguria, dedicates an article to Mecca extraordinary opening set for October 14th, 2012. One more time we say Mecca is the first italian videogame museum
Click the pic to open the complete article (pdf)


September 2012 - Corfole dedicates an article to Videogame Mecca and in particular to its donours
Click the pic to open the complete article (pdf)


July/August 2012 -Corfole dedicates an article to Videogame Mecca and in particular to its donours
Click the pic to open the complete article (pdf)


June 1st, 2012 - Tele Radio Pace dedicates an article to the Videogame Mecca opening, the first italian videogame museum
Read the article: link


May 29th, 2012 - Rai 3 regional news broadcast dedicates a service to the Videogame Mecca, the first italian videogame museum
Click the pic to stream the news broadcast episode dated May 29th, 2012


May 28th, 2012 - Secolo XIX, most important newspaper in Liguria, dedicates an article to the Videogame Mecca
Click the pic to read the article


May 25th, 2012 - website InGame dedicates an article to the Videogame Mecca opening and to its founder Giansandro Rosasco
Read the article: link


May 25th, 2012 - Corriere Mercantile, important newspaper in Liguria, dedicates a large article to the Videogame Mecca opening
Click the pic to read the article


May 25th, 2012 - Nuovo Levante, a newspaper of the Genova area, dedicates an article to the Videogame Mecca opening, the first videogame museum in Italy
Click the pic to read the article


May 25, 2012 - website Virtual Inn dedicates an article to the Videogame Mecca opening
Read the article: link






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